

共计 34166 个字符,预计需要花费 86 分钟才能阅读完成。

syntaxhighlighter 舍我其谁的推荐让我马上就下载了它.
下载完后依照 demo 写了一段代码竟然没有效果.
F12 打开调试工具, 发现 css 未加载, 一开始以为是 Abblock 拦截. 后来发现是 域名 /css 域名后多了一个空格.
一共有两处, 空格出现在内部而非开头和结尾, 所以使用 str_replace(); 替换掉空格. 修改后代码如下:

<?php /*
Plugin Name: SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
Plugin URI:
Version: 3.1.10
Description: Easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without having to modify the code at all. Uses Alex Gorbatchev's <a href="">SyntaxHighlighter</a>. <strong>TIP:</strong> Don't use the Visual editor if you don't want your code mangled. TinyMCE will "clean up" your HTML.
Author: Alex Mills (Viper007Bond)
Author URI:
Thanks to:
* Alex Gorbatchev for writing the Javascript-powered synatax highlighter script
* Andrew Ozz for writing the TinyMCE plugin
class SyntaxHighlighter {
// All of these variables are private. Filters are provided for things that can be modified.
var $pluginver = '3.1.10'; // Plugin version
var $agshver = false; // Alex Gorbatchev's SyntaxHighlighter version (dynamically set below due to v2 vs v3)
var $shfolder = false; // Controls what subfolder to load SyntaxHighlighter from (v2 or v3)
var $settings = array(); // Contains the user's settings
var $defaultsettings = array(); // Contains the default settings
var $brushes = array(); // Array of aliases => brushes
var $shortcodes = array(); // Array of shortcodes to use
var $themes = array(); // Array of themes
var $usedbrushes = array(); // Stores used brushes so we know what to output
var $encoded = false; // Used to mark that a character encode took place
var $codeformat = false; // If set, SyntaxHighlighter::get_code_format() will return this value
var $content_save_pre_ran = false; // It's possible for the "content_save_pre" filter to run multiple times, so keep track
// Initalize the plugin by registering the hooks
function __construct() {
if (! function_exists( 'esc_html') )
// Load localization domain
load_plugin_textdomain('syntaxhighlighter', false, '/syntaxhighlighter/localization');
// Display hooks
add_filter('the_content', array( $this, 'parse_shortcodes'), 7 ); // Posts
add_filter('comment_text', array( $this, 'parse_shortcodes_comment'), 7 ); // Comments
add_filter('bp_get_the_topic_post_content', array( $this, 'parse_shortcodes'), 7 ); // BuddyPress
// Into the database
add_filter('content_save_pre', array( $this, 'encode_shortcode_contents_slashed_noquickedit'), 1 ); // Posts
add_filter('pre_comment_content', array( $this, 'encode_shortcode_contents_slashed'), 1 ); // Comments
add_filter('group_forum_post_text_before_save', array( $this, 'encode_shortcode_contents_slashed'), 1 ); // BuddyPress
add_filter('group_forum_topic_text_before_save', array( $this, 'encode_shortcode_contents_slashed'), 1 ); // BuddyPress
// Out of the database for editing
add_filter('the_editor_content', array( $this, 'the_editor_content'), 1 ); // Posts
add_filter('comment_edit_pre', array( $this, 'decode_shortcode_contents'), 1 ); // Comments
add_filter('bp_get_the_topic_text', array( $this, 'decode_shortcode_contents'), 1 ); // BuddyPress
add_filter('bp_get_the_topic_post_edit_text', array( $this, 'decode_shortcode_contents'), 1 ); // BuddyPress
// Outputting SyntaxHighlighter's JS and CSS
add_action('wp_head', array( $this, 'output_header_placeholder'), 15 );
add_action('admin_head', array( $this, 'output_header_placeholder'), 15 ); // For comments
add_action('wp_footer', array( $this, 'maybe_output_scripts'), 15 );
add_action('admin_footer', array( $this, 'maybe_output_scripts'), 15 ); // For comments
// Admin hooks
add_action('admin_init', array( $this, 'register_setting') );
add_action('admin_menu', array( $this, 'register_settings_page') );
add_filter('mce_external_plugins', array( $this, 'add_tinymce_plugin') );
add_filter('save_post', array( $this, 'mark_as_encoded'), 10, 2 );
add_filter('plugin_action_links', array( $this, 'settings_link'), 10, 2 );
// Register widget hooks
// Requires change added in WordPress 2.9
if (class_exists('WP_Embed') ) {
add_filter('widget_text', array( $this, 'widget_text_output'), 7, 2 );
add_filter('widget_update_callback', array( $this, 'widget_text_save'), 1, 4 );
add_filter('widget_form_callback', array( $this, 'widget_text_form'), 1, 2 );
// Create array of default settings (you can use the filter to modify these)
$this->defaultsettings = (array) apply_filters('syntaxhighlighter_defaultsettings', array(
'theme' => 'default',
'loadallbrushes' => 0,
'shversion' => 3,
'title' => '',
'autolinks'=> 1,
'collapse' => 0,
'firstline' => 1,
'gutter' => 1,
'htmlscript' => 0,
'light' => 0,
'padlinenumbers' => 'false',
'smarttabs' => 1,
'tabsize' => 4,
'toolbar' => 0,
'wraplines' => 1, // 2.x only
) );
// Create the settings array by merging the user's settings and the defaults
$usersettings = (array) get_option('syntaxhighlighter_settings');
$this->settings = wp_parse_args($usersettings, $this->defaultsettings);
// Dynamically set folder and version names for SynaxHighlighter
if (2 == $this->settings['shversion'] ) {
$this->shfolder = 'syntaxhighlighter2';
$this->agshver = '2.1.364';
} else {
$this->shfolder = 'syntaxhighlighter3';
$this->agshver = '3.0.9';
// Register brush scripts
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-core', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shCore.js', __FILE__), array(), $this->agshver);
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-as3', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushAS3.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-bash', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushBash.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-coldfusion', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushColdFusion.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-cpp', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushCpp.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-csharp', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushCSharp.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-css', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushCss.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-delphi', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushDelphi.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-diff', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushDiff.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-erlang', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushErlang.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-groovy', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushGroovy.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-java', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushJava.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-javafx', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushJavaFX.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-jscript', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushJScript.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-perl', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushPerl.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-php', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushPhp.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-plain', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushPlain.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-powershell', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushPowerShell.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-python', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushPython.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-ruby', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushRuby.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-scala', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushScala.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-sql', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushSql.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-vb', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushVb.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-xml', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/scripts/shBrushXml.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
// Register some popular third-party brushes
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-clojure', plugins_url( 'third-party-brushes/shBrushClojure.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), '20090602' );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-fsharp', plugins_url( 'third-party-brushes/shBrushFSharp.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), '20091003' );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-latex', plugins_url( 'third-party-brushes/shBrushLatex.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), '20090613' );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-matlabkey', plugins_url( 'third-party-brushes/shBrushMatlabKey.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), '20091209' );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-objc', plugins_url( 'third-party-brushes/shBrushObjC.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), '20091207' );
wp_register_script('syntaxhighlighter-brush-r', plugins_url( 'third-party-brushes/shBrushR.js', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), '20100919' );
// Register theme stylesheets
wp_register_style('syntaxhighlighter-core', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/styles/shCore.css', __FILE__), array(), $this->agshver);
wp_register_style('syntaxhighlighter-theme-default', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/styles/shThemeDefault.css', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_style('syntaxhighlighter-theme-django', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/styles/shThemeDjango.css', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_style('syntaxhighlighter-theme-eclipse', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/styles/shThemeEclipse.css', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_style('syntaxhighlighter-theme-emacs', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/styles/shThemeEmacs.css', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_style('syntaxhighlighter-theme-fadetogrey', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/styles/shThemeFadeToGrey.css', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_style('syntaxhighlighter-theme-midnight', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/styles/shThemeMidnight.css', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
wp_register_style('syntaxhighlighter-theme-rdark', plugins_url( $this->shfolder . '/styles/shThemeRDark.css', __FILE__), array('syntaxhighlighter-core'), $this->agshver );
// Create list of brush aliases and map them to their real brushes
// The key is the language alias
// The value is the script handle suffix: syntaxhighlighter-brush-ThisBitHere (your plugin needs to register the script itself)
$this->brushes = (array) apply_filters('syntaxhighlighter_brushes', array(
'as3' => 'as3',
'actionscript3' => 'as3',
'bash' => 'bash',
'shell' => 'bash',
'coldfusion' => 'coldfusion',
'cf' => 'coldfusion',
'clojure' => 'clojure',
'clj' => 'clojure',
'cpp' => 'cpp',
'c' => 'cpp',
'c-sharp' => 'csharp',
'csharp' => 'csharp',
'css' => 'css',
'delphi' => 'delphi',
'pas' => 'delphi',
'pascal' => 'delphi',
'diff' => 'diff',
'patch' => 'diff',
'erl' => 'erlang',
'erlang' => 'erlang',
'fsharp' => 'fsharp',
'groovy' => 'groovy',
'java' => 'java',
'jfx' => 'javafx',
'javafx' => 'javafx',
'js' => 'jscript',
'jscript' => 'jscript',
'javascript' => 'jscript',
'latex' => 'latex', // Not used as a shortcode
'tex' => 'latex',
'matlab' => 'matlabkey',
'objc' => 'objc',
'obj-c' => 'objc',
'perl' => 'perl',
'pl' => 'perl',
'php' => 'php',
'plain' => 'plain',
'text' => 'plain',
'ps' => 'powershell',
'powershell' => 'powershell',
'py' => 'python',
'python' => 'python',
'r' => 'r', // Not used as a shortcode
'splus' => 'r',
'rails' => 'ruby',
'rb' => 'ruby',
'ror' => 'ruby',
'ruby' => 'ruby',
'scala' => 'scala',
'sql' => 'sql',
'vb' => 'vb',
'vbnet' => 'vb',
'xml' => 'xml',
'xhtml' => 'xml',
'xslt' => 'xml',
'html' => 'xml',
) );
// Create a list of shortcodes to use. You can use the filter to add/remove ones.
// If the language/lang parameter is left out, it's assumed the shortcode name is the language.
// If that's invalid, then "plain" is used.
$this->shortcodes = array('sourcecode', 'source', 'code');
$this->shortcodes = array_merge($this->shortcodes, array_keys( $this->brushes) );
// Remove some shortcodes we don't want while still supporting them as language values
unset($this->shortcodes[array_search( 'latex', $this->shortcodes)] ); // Remove "latex" shortcode (it'll collide)
unset($this->shortcodes[array_search( 'r', $this->shortcodes)] ); // Remove "r" shortcode (too short)
$this->shortcodes = (array) apply_filters('syntaxhighlighter_shortcodes', $this->shortcodes);
// Register each shortcode with a placeholder callback so that strip_shortcodes() will work
// The proper callback and such is done in SyntaxHighlighter::shortcode_hack()
foreach ($this->shortcodes as $shortcode)
add_shortcode($shortcode, '__return_true');
// Create list of themes and their human readable names
// Plugins can add to this list:
$this->themes = (array) apply_filters('syntaxhighlighter_themes', array(
'default' => __('Default', 'syntaxhighlighter'),
'django' => __('Django', 'syntaxhighlighter'),
'eclipse' => __('Eclipse', 'syntaxhighlighter'),
'emacs' => __('Emacs', 'syntaxhighlighter'),
'fadetogrey' => __('Fade to Grey', 'syntaxhighlighter'),
'midnight' => __('Midnight', 'syntaxhighlighter'),
'rdark' => __('RDark', 'syntaxhighlighter'),
'none' => __('[None]', 'syntaxhighlighter' ),
) );
// Other special characters that need to be encoded before going into the database (namely to work around kses)
$this->specialchars = (array) apply_filters('syntaxhighlighter_specialchars', array(
'\0' => '\0',
) );
// Register the settings page
function register_settings_page() {
add_options_page(__( 'SyntaxHighlighter Settings', 'syntaxhighlighter'), __('SyntaxHighlighter', 'syntaxhighlighter'), 'manage_options', 'syntaxhighlighter', array($this, 'settings_page') );
// Register the plugin's setting
function register_setting() {
register_setting('syntaxhighlighter_settings', 'syntaxhighlighter_settings', array( $this, 'validate_settings') );
// Add the custom TinyMCE plugin which wraps plugin shortcodes in <pre> in TinyMCE
function add_tinymce_plugin($plugins) {
global $tinymce_version;
add_action('admin_print_footer_scripts', array( $this, 'output_shortcodes_for_tinymce'), 9 );
if (substr( $tinymce_version, 0, 1) < 4 ) {
$plugins['syntaxhighlighter'] = plugins_url('syntaxhighlighter_mce.js', __FILE__);
} else {
$plugins['syntaxhighlighter'] = add_query_arg('ver', $this->pluginver, plugins_url( 'syntaxhighlighter_mce-4.js', __FILE__) );
wp_enqueue_script('syntaxhighlighter', plugins_url( 'syntaxhighlighter.js', __FILE__), array(), false, true);
return $plugins;
// Break the TinyMCE cache
function break_tinymce_cache($version) {
return $version . '-sh' . $this->pluginver;
// Add a "Settings" link to the plugins page
function settings_link($links, $file) {
static $this_plugin;
if(empty($this_plugin) )
$this_plugin = plugin_basename(__FILE__);
if ($file == $this_plugin)
$links[] = '<a href="' . admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=syntaxhighlighter') . '">' . __('Settings', 'syntaxhighlighter') . '</a>';
return $links;
// Output list of shortcode tags for the TinyMCE plugin
function output_shortcodes_for_tinymce() {
$shortcodes = array();
foreach ($this->shortcodes as $shortcode)
$shortcodes[] = preg_quote( $shortcode);
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
echo " var syntaxHLcodes = '" . implode('|', $shortcodes) . "';\n";
echo "</script>\n";
// A filter function that runs do_shortcode() but only with this plugin's shortcodes
function shortcode_hack($content, $callback) {
global $shortcode_tags;
// Backup current registered shortcodes and clear them all out
$orig_shortcode_tags = $shortcode_tags;
// Register all of this plugin's shortcodes
foreach ($this->shortcodes as $shortcode)
add_shortcode($shortcode, $callback);
// Do the shortcodes (only this plugins's are registered)
$content = $this->do_shortcode_keep_escaped_tags($content);
// Put the original shortcodes back
$shortcode_tags = $orig_shortcode_tags;
return $content;
// This is a clone of do_shortcode() that uses a different callback function
// The new callback function will keep escaped tags escaped, i.e. [[foo]]
// Up to date as of r18324 (3.2)
function do_shortcode_keep_escaped_tags($content) {
global $shortcode_tags;
if (empty($shortcode_tags) || !is_array($shortcode_tags))
return $content;
$pattern = get_shortcode_regex();
return preg_replace_callback('/'.$pattern.'/s', array( $this, 'do_shortcode_tag_keep_escaped_tags'), $content);
// Callback for above do_shortcode_keep_escaped_tags() function
// It's a clone of core's do_shortcode_tag() function with a modification to the escaped shortcode return
// Up to date as of r18324 (3.2)
function do_shortcode_tag_keep_escaped_tags($m) {
global $shortcode_tags;
// allow [[foo]] syntax for escaping a tag
if ($m[1] == '[' && $m[6] == ']' ) {
return $m[0]; // This line was modified for this plugin (no substr call)
$tag = $m[2];
$attr = shortcode_parse_atts($m[3] );
if (isset( $m[5] ) ) {
// enclosing tag - extra parameter
return $m[1] . call_user_func($shortcode_tags[$tag], $attr, $m[5], $tag ) . $m[6];
} else {
// self-closing tag
return $m[1] . call_user_func($shortcode_tags[$tag], $attr, NULL, $tag ) . $m[6];
// The main filter for the post contents. The regular shortcode filter can't be used as it's post-wpautop().
function parse_shortcodes($content) {
return $this->shortcode_hack($content, array( $this, 'shortcode_callback') );
// HTML entity encode the contents of shortcodes
function encode_shortcode_contents($content) {
return $this->shortcode_hack($content, array( $this, 'encode_shortcode_contents_callback') );
// HTML entity encode the contents of shortcodes. Expects slashed content.
function encode_shortcode_contents_slashed($content) {
return addslashes($this->encode_shortcode_contents( stripslashes( $content) ) );
// HTML entity encode the contents of shortcodes. Expects slashed content. Aborts if AJAX.
function encode_shortcode_contents_slashed_noquickedit($content) {
// In certain weird circumstances, the content gets run through "content_save_pre" twice
// Keep track and don't allow this filter to be run twice
// I couldn't easily figure out why this happens and didn't bother looking into it further as this works fine
if (true == $this->content_save_pre_ran)
return $content;
$this->content_save_pre_ran = true;
// Post quick edits aren't decoded for display, so we don't need to encode them (again)
if (! empty( $_POST) && !empty($_POST['action'] ) && 'inline-save' == $_POST['action'] )
return $content;
return $this->encode_shortcode_contents_slashed($content);
// HTML entity decode the contents of shortcodes
function decode_shortcode_contents($content) {
return $this->shortcode_hack($content, array( $this, 'decode_shortcode_contents_callback') );
// The callback function for SyntaxHighlighter::encode_shortcode_contents()
function encode_shortcode_contents_callback($atts, $code = '', $tag = false) {
$this->encoded = true;
$code = str_replace(array_keys($this->specialchars), array_values($this->specialchars), htmlspecialchars($code) );
return '[' . $tag . $this->atts2string( $atts) . "]{$code}[/$tag]";
// The callback function for SyntaxHighlighter::decode_shortcode_contents()
// Shortcode attribute values need to not be quoted with TinyMCE disabled for some reason (weird bug)
function decode_shortcode_contents_callback($atts, $code = '', $tag = false) {
$quotes = (user_can_richedit() ) ? true : false;
$code = str_replace(array_values($this->specialchars), array_keys($this->specialchars), htmlspecialchars_decode($code) );
return '[' . $tag . $this->atts2string( $atts, $quotes) . "]{$code}[/$tag]";
// Dynamically format the post content for the edit form
function the_editor_content($content) {
global $post;
// New code format (stored encoded in database)
if (2 == $this->get_code_format( $post) ) {
// If TinyMCE is disabled or the HTML tab is set to be displayed first, we need to decode the HTML
if (!user_can_richedit() || 'html' == wp_default_editor())
$content = $this->decode_shortcode_contents($content);
// Old code format (stored raw in database)
else {
// If TinyMCE is enabled and is set to be displayed first, we need to encode the HTML
if (user_can_richedit() && 'html' != wp_default_editor())
$content = $this->encode_shortcode_contents($content);
return $content;
// Run SyntaxHighlighter::encode_shortcode_contents() on the contents of the text widget
function widget_text_save($instance, $new_instance, $old_instance, $widgetclass) {
if ('text' == $widgetclass->id_base) {
// Re-save the widget settings but this time with the shortcode contents encoded
$new_instance['text'] = $this->encode_shortcode_contents($new_instance['text'] );
$instance = $widgetclass->update($new_instance, $old_instance);
// And flag it as encoded
$instance['syntaxhighlighter_encoded'] = true;
return $instance;
// Run SyntaxHighlighter::decode_shortcode_contents_callback() on the contents of the text widget form
function widget_text_form($instance, $widgetclass) {
if ('text' == $widgetclass->id_base && !empty($instance['syntaxhighlighter_encoded']) ) {
$instance['text'] = $this->shortcode_hack($instance['text'], array($this, 'decode_shortcode_contents_callback') );
return $instance;
// Run SyntaxHighlighter::parse_shortcodes() on the contents of a text widget
function widget_text_output($content, $instance = false) {
$this->codeformat = (false === $instance || empty($instance['syntaxhighlighter_encoded']) ) ? 1 : 2;
$content = $this->parse_shortcodes($content);
$this->codeformat = false;
return $content;
// Run SyntaxHighlighter::parse_shortcodes() on the contents of a comment
function parse_shortcodes_comment($content) {
$this->codeformat = 2;
$content = $this->parse_shortcodes($content);
$this->codeformat = false;
return $content;
// This function determines what version of SyntaxHighlighter was used when the post was written
// This is because the code was stored differently for different versions of SyntaxHighlighter
function get_code_format($post) {
if (false !== $this->codeformat)
return $this->codeformat;
if (empty($post) )
$post = new stdClass();
if (null !== $version = apply_filters( 'syntaxhighlighter_pre_getcodeformat', null, $post) )
return $version;
$version = (empty($post->ID) || get_post_meta($post->ID, '_syntaxhighlighter_encoded', true) || get_post_meta($post->ID, 'syntaxhighlighter_encoded', true) ) ? 2 : 1;
return apply_filters('syntaxhighlighter_getcodeformat', $version, $post);
// Adds a post meta saying that HTML entities are encoded (for backwards compatibility)
function mark_as_encoded($post_ID, $post) {
if (false == $this->encoded || 'revision' == $post->post_type)
delete_post_meta($post_ID, 'syntaxhighlighter_encoded'); // Previously used
add_post_meta($post_ID, '_syntaxhighlighter_encoded', true, true);
// Transforms an attributes array into a 'key="value"' format (i.e. reverses the process)
function atts2string($atts, $quotes = true) {
if (empty($atts) )
return '';
$atts = $this->attributefix($atts);
// Re-map [code="php"] style tags
if (isset($atts[0]) ) {
if (empty($atts['language']) )
$atts['language'] = $atts[0];
$strings = array();
foreach ($atts as $key => $value)
$strings[] = ( $quotes) ? $key . '="' . esc_attr($value) . '"' : $key . '=' . esc_attr($value);
return '' . implode(' ', $strings);
// Simple function for escaping just single quotes (the original js_escape() escapes more than we need)
function js_escape_singlequotes($string) {
return str_replace("'", "\'", $string);
// Output an anchor in the header for the Javascript to use.
// In the <head>, we don't know if we'll need this plugin's CSS and JavaScript yet but we will in the footer.
function output_header_placeholder() {
echo '<style type="text/css" id="syntaxhighlighteranchor"></style>' . "\n";
// Output any needed scripts. This is meant for the footer.
function maybe_output_scripts() {
global $wp_styles;
if (1 == $this->settings['loadallbrushes'] )
$this->usedbrushes = array_flip(array_values( $this->brushes) );
if (empty($this->usedbrushes) )
$scripts = array();
foreach ($this->usedbrushes as $brush => $unused)
$scripts[] = 'syntaxhighlighter-brush-' . strtolower( $brush);
// Stylesheets can't be in the footer, so inject them via Javascript
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
echo " (function(){\n";
echo " var corecss = document.createElement('link');\n";
echo " var themecss = document.createElement('link');\n";
if (!is_a($wp_styles, 'WP_Styles') )
$wp_styles = new WP_Styles();
$needcore = false;
if ('none' == $this->settings['theme'] ) {
$needcore = true;
} else {
$theme = (!empty($this->themes[$this->settings['theme']]) ) ? strtolower($this->settings['theme']) : $this->defaultsettings['theme'];
$theme = 'syntaxhighlighter-theme-' . $theme;
// See if the requested theme has been registered
if (!empty($wp_styles) && !empty($wp_styles->registered) && !empty($wp_styles->registered[$theme]) && !empty($wp_styles->registered[$theme]->src) ) {
// Users can register their own stylesheet and may opt to not load the core stylesheet if they wish for some reason
if (is_array($wp_styles->registered[$theme]->deps) && in_array('syntaxhighlighter-core', $wp_styles->registered[$theme]->deps ) )
$needcore = true;
// Otherwise use the default theme
else {
$theme = 'syntaxhighlighter-theme-' . $this->defaultsettings['theme'];
$needcore = true;
if ($needcore && !empty($wp_styles) && !empty($wp_styles->registered) && !empty($wp_styles->registered['syntaxhighlighter-core']) && !empty($wp_styles->registered['syntaxhighlighter-core']->src) ) :
$corecssurl = add_query_arg('ver', $this->agshver, $wp_styles->registered['syntaxhighlighter-core']->src );
$corecssurl = apply_filters('syntaxhighlighter_csscoreurl', $corecssurl);
var corecssurl = "<?php echo str_replace('','',esc_js($corecssurl)); ?>";
if (corecss.setAttribute) {
corecss.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
corecss.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
corecss.setAttribute("href", corecssurl);
} else {
corecss.rel = "stylesheet";
corecss.href = corecssurl;
document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].insertBefore(corecss, document.getElementById("syntaxhighlighteranchor") );
endif; // Endif $needcore
if ('none' != $this->settings['theme'] ) : ?>
$js_url_str = esc_js(apply_filters( 'syntaxhighlighter_cssthemeurl', add_query_arg( 'ver', $this->agshver, $wp_styles->registered[$theme]->src ) ) ); ?>
var themecssurl ="<?php echo str_replace('','',$js_url_str); ?>";
if (themecss.setAttribute) {
themecss.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
themecss.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
themecss.setAttribute("href", themecssurl);
} else {
themecss.rel = "stylesheet";
themecss.href = themecssurl;
document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].insertBefore(themecss, document.getElementById("syntaxhighlighteranchor") );
endif; // Endif none != theme
echo " })();\n";
switch ($this->settings['shversion'] ) {
case 2:
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.config.clipboardSwf = '" . esc_js(apply_filters('syntaxhighlighter_clipboardurl', plugins_url('syntaxhighlighter2/scripts/clipboard.swf', __FILE__) ) ) . "';\n";
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.config.strings.expandSource = '" . $this->js_escape_singlequotes(__('show source','syntaxhighlighter') ) . "';\n";
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.config.strings.viewSource = '" . $this->js_escape_singlequotes(__('view source','syntaxhighlighter') ) . "';\n";
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.config.strings.copyToClipboard = '" . $this->js_escape_singlequotes(__('copy to clipboard','syntaxhighlighter') ) . "';\n";
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.config.strings.copyToClipboardConfirmation = '" . $this->js_escape_singlequotes(__('The code is in your clipboard now','syntaxhighlighter') ) . "';\n";
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.config.strings.print = '" . $this->js_escape_singlequotes(__('print','syntaxhighlighter') ) . "';\n";
echo " = '" . $this->js_escape_singlequotes(__('?','syntaxhighlighter') ) . "';\n";
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.config.strings.alert = '" . $this->js_escape_singlequotes(__('SyntaxHighlighter\n\n','syntaxhighlighter') ) . "';\n";
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.config.strings.noBrush = '" . $this->js_escape_singlequotes(__( "Can't find brush for: ", 'syntaxhighlighter') ) . "';\n";
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.config.strings.brushNotHtmlScript = '" . $this->js_escape_singlequotes(__( "Brush wasn't configured for html-script option: ", 'syntaxhighlighter') ) . "';\n";
case 3:
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.config.strings.expandSource = '" . $this->js_escape_singlequotes(__('+ expand source','syntaxhighlighter') ) . "';\n";
echo " = '" . $this->js_escape_singlequotes(__('?','syntaxhighlighter') ) . "';\n";
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.config.strings.alert = '" . $this->js_escape_singlequotes(__('SyntaxHighlighter\n\n','syntaxhighlighter') ) . "';\n";
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.config.strings.noBrush = '" . $this->js_escape_singlequotes(__( "Can't find brush for: ", 'syntaxhighlighter') ) . "';\n";
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.config.strings.brushNotHtmlScript = '" . $this->js_escape_singlequotes(__( "Brush wasn't configured for html-script option: ", 'syntaxhighlighter') ) . "';\n";
if (1 != $this->settings['autolinks'] )
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['auto-links'] = false;\n";
if (!empty($this->settings['classname']) )
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['class-name'] = '" . $this->js_escape_singlequotes($this->settings['classname'] ) . "';\n";
if (1 == $this->settings['collapse'] )
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['collapse'] = true;\n";
if (1 != $this->settings['firstline'] )
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['first-line'] = " . $this->settings['firstline'] . ";\n";
if (1 != $this->settings['gutter'] )
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['gutter'] = false;\n";
if (1 == $this->settings['htmlscript'] )
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['html-script'] = true;\n";
if (1 == $this->settings['light'] )
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['light'] = true;\n";
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['pad-line-numbers'] = ";
switch ($this->settings['padlinenumbers'] ) {
case 'true':
echo 'true';
case 'false';
echo 'false';
echo (int) $this->settings['padlinenumbers'];
echo ";\n";
if (1 != $this->settings['smarttabs'] )
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['smart-tabs'] = false;\n";
if (4 != $this->settings['tabsize'] )
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['tab-size'] = " . $this->settings['tabsize'] . ";\n";
if (1 != $this->settings['toolbar'] )
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['toolbar'] = false;\n";
// 2.x only for now
if (1 != $this->settings['wraplines'] )
echo " SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['wrap-lines'] = false;\n";
?> SyntaxHighlighter.all();
// No-name attribute fixing
function attributefix($atts = array() ) {
if (empty($atts[0]) )
return $atts;
// Quoted value
if (0 !== preg_match( '#=("|\')(.*?)\1#', $atts[0], $match ) )
$atts[0] = $match[2];
// Unquoted value
elseif ('=' == substr( $atts[0], 0, 1 ) )
$atts[0] = substr($atts[0], 1 );
return $atts;
// Shortcode handler for transforming the shortcodes to their final <pre>'s
function shortcode_callback($atts, $code = '', $tag = false) {
global $post;
if (false === $tag || empty($code) )
return $code;
// Avoid PHP notices
if (!isset($post) )
$post = null;
$code = apply_filters('syntaxhighlighter_precode', $code, $atts, $tag);
// Error fixing for [tag="language"]
if (isset($atts[0]) ) {
$atts = $this->attributefix($atts);
$atts['language'] = $atts[0];
// Default out all of the available parameters to "false" (easy way to check if they're set or not)
// Note this isn't the same as if the user passes the string "false" to the shortcode
$atts = (array) apply_filters('syntaxhighlighter_shortcodeatts', shortcode_atts( array(
'language' => false,
'lang' => false,
'type' => false, // language alias
'autolinks' => false,
'classname' => false,
'collapse' => false,
'firstline' => false,
'fontsize' => false,
'gutter' => false,
'highlight' => false,
'htmlscript' => false,
'light' => false,
'padlinenumbers' => false,
'smarttabs' => false,
'tabsize' => false,
'title' => $this->settings['title'],
'toolbar' => false,
'wraplines' => false,
), $atts ) );
// Check for language shortcode tag such as [php]code[/php]
if (isset($this->brushes[$tag]) ) {
$lang = $tag;
// If a valid tag is not used, it must be sourcecode/source/code
else {
$atts = $this->attributefix($atts);
// Check for the "language" attribute
if (false !== $atts['language'] )
$lang = $atts['language'];
// Check for the "lang" attribute
elseif (false !== $atts['lang'] )
$lang = $atts['lang'];
// Default to plain text
$lang = 'text';
// All language aliases are lowercase
$lang = strtolower($lang);
// Validate passed attribute
if (!isset($this->brushes[$lang]) )
return $code;
// Switch from the alias to the real brush name (so custom aliases can be used)
$lang = $this->brushes[$lang];
// Register this brush as used so it's script will be outputted
$this->usedbrushes[$lang] = true;
$params = array();
$params[] = "brush: $lang;";
// Fix bug that prevents collapse from working if the toolbar is off or light mode is on
if ('true' == $atts['collapse'] || '1' === $atts['collapse'] || 1 == $this->settings['collapse'] ) {
$atts['toolbar'] = 'true';
$atts['light'] = 'false';
// Parameter renaming (the shortcode API doesn't like parameter names with dashes)
$rename_map = array(
'autolinks' => 'auto-links',
'classname' => 'class-name',
'firstline' => 'first-line',
'fontsize' => 'font-size',
'htmlscript' => 'html-script',
'padlinenumbers' => 'pad-line-numbers',
'smarttabs' => 'smart-tabs',
'tabsize' => 'tab-size',
'wraplines' => 'wrap-lines',
// Allowed configuration parameters and their type
// Use the proper names (see above)
$allowed_atts = (array) apply_filters('syntaxhighlighter_allowedatts', array(
'auto-links' => 'boolean',
'class-name' => 'other',
'collapse' => 'boolean',
'first-line' => 'integer',
'font-size' => 'integer',
'gutter' => 'boolean',
'highlight' => 'other',
'html-script' => 'boolean',
'light' => 'boolean',
'pad-line-numbers' => 'other',
'smart-tabs' => 'boolean',
'tab-size' => 'integer',
'title' => 'other',
'toolbar' => 'boolean',
'wrap-lines' => 'boolean',
) );
$title = '';
// Sanitize configuration parameters and such
foreach ($atts as $key => $value ) {
$key = strtolower($key);
// Put back parameter names that have been renamed for shortcode use
if (!empty($rename_map[$key]) )
$key = $rename_map[$key];
// This this parameter if it's unknown, not set, or the language which was already handled
if (empty($allowed_atts[$key]) || false === $value || in_array($key, array( 'language', 'lang') ) )
// Sanitize values
switch ($allowed_atts[$key] ) {
case 'boolean':
$value = strtolower($value);
if ('true' === $value || '1' === $value || 'on' == $value)
$value = 'true';
elseif ('false' === $value || '0' === $value || 'off' == $value)
$value = 'false';
continue 2; // Invalid value, ditch parameter
// integer
case 'integer':
$value = (int) $value;
// Sanitize the "classname" parameter
if ('classname' == $key)
$value = trim(preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9 _-]/i', '', $value ) );
// Special sanitization for "pad-line-numbers"
if ('pad-line-numbers' == $key) {
$value = strtolower($value);
if ('true' === $value || '1' === $value)
$value = 'true';
elseif ('false' === $value || '0' === $value)
$value = 'false';
$value = (int) $value;
// Add % sign to "font-size"
if ('font-size' == $key)
$value = $value . '%';
// If "html-script", then include the XML brush as it's needed
if ('html-script' == $key && 'true' == $value)
$this->usedbrushes['xml'] = true;
// Sanitize row highlights
if ('highlight' == $key) {
if (false === strpos( $value, ',') ) {
$value = (int) $value;
} else {
$lines = explode(',', $value);
$highlights = array();
foreach ($lines as $line) {
// Line range
if (false !== strpos( $line, '-') ) {
list($range_start, $range_end) = array_map('intval', explode( '-', $line) );
if (! $range_start || ! $range_end || $range_end <= $range_start) continue; for ($i = $range_start; $i <= $range_end; $i++) $highlights[] = $i;} else {$highlights[] = (int) $line; } } natsort($highlights); $value = implode(',', $highlights); } if (empty( $value) ) continue; // Wrap highlight in [ ] $params[] = "$key: [$value];"; continue; } // Don't allow HTML in the title parameter if ('title' == $key) {$value = strip_tags( html_entity_decode( strip_tags( $value) ) ); } $params[] = "$key: $value;"; // Set the title variable if the title parameter is set (but not for feeds) if ('title' == $key && ! is_feed() ) $title = 'title="' . esc_attr($value) . '"'; } $code = (false === strpos( $code, '<') && false === strpos($code, '>' ) && 2 == $this->get_code_format($post) ) ? strip_tags($code) : htmlspecialchars($code);
$params[] = 'notranslate'; // For Google, see
$params = apply_filters('syntaxhighlighter_cssclasses', $params); // Use this to add additional CSS classes / SH parameters
return apply_filters('syntaxhighlighter_htmlresult', '

' . $code . '

' );;
// Settings page
function settings_page() { ?>

' . "\n";
echo '' . "\n";

$title = (empty( $this->settings['title'] ) && 1 != $this->settings['collapse'] ) ? 'title="Code example: (this example was added using the title parameter)"':'';
// Site owners may opt to disable the short tags, i.e.
$democode = apply_filters('syntaxhighlighter_democode', '[sourcecode language="php" htmlscript="true" highlight="12"' . $title . ']<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>PHP Code Example</title>
<h1>'. __('PHP Code Example','syntaxhighlighter') .'</h1>
<p><?php echo \''. __('Hello World!','syntaxhighlighter') .'\'; ?></p>
<p>'. __('This line is highlighted.','syntaxhighlighter') .'</p>
<div class="foobar">
'. __(' This is an
example of smart
tabs.','syntaxhighlighter') .'
<p><a href="">'. __('WordPress') .'</a></p>
</html>[/sourcecode]' );
$this->codeformat = 1;
echo $this->parse_shortcodes($democode);
$this->codeformat = false;
echo '</div>';
<h3 style="margin-top:30px"><?php _e('Shortcode Parameters', 'syntaxhighlighter'); ?></h3>
<p><?php printf(__( 'These are the parameters you can pass to the shortcode and what they do. For the booleans (i.e. on/off), pass %1$s/%2$s or %3$s/%4$s.', 'syntaxhighlighter' ), '<code>true</code>', '<code>1</code>', '<code>false</code>', '<code>0</code>' ); ?></p>
<ul class="ul-disc">
<li><?php printf(_x( '%1$s or %2$s &#8212; The language syntax to highlight with. You can alternately just use that as the tag, such as <code>[php]code[/php]
. Click here for a list of valid tags (under "aliases").','language parameter','syntaxhighlighter'),'lang','language','' ); ?>

  • autolinks' ); ?>
  • classname' ); ?>
  • collapse' ); ?>
  • firstline' ); ?>
  • gutter' ); ?>
  • highlight', '2,5-10,12' ); ?>
  • htmlscript' ); ?>
  • light' ); ?>
  • false (no padding), true (automatic padding), or an integer (forced padding).', 'padlinenumbers parameter', 'syntaxhighlighter' ), 'padlinenumbers' ); ?>
  • title', 'collapse' ); ?>
  • toolbar' ); ?>
  • wraplines' ); ?>

    • [php]<?php _e('your code here', 'syntaxhighlighter'); ?>[/php]

    • [css autolinks=""false"" classname=""myclass"" collapse=""false"" firstline=""1"" gutter=""true"" highlight=""1-3,6,9"" htmlscript=""false"" light=""false"" padlinenumbers=""false"" smarttabs=""true"" tabsize=""4"" toolbar=""true"" title=""<?php" 1="'example-filename.php'," 2="'syntaxhighlighter'" 3=");" 4="?>"" language="_e("]<?php _e('your code here', 'syntaxhighlighter'); ?>[/css]

    • [code lang=""js""]<?php _e('your code here', 'syntaxhighlighter'); ?>[/code]

    • [sourcecode language=""plain""]<?php _e('your code here', 'syntaxhighlighter'); ?>[/sourcecode]

    maybe_output_scripts(); ?>

    $_REQUEST['_wp_http_referer'] = add_query_arg('defaults', 'true', $_REQUEST['_wp_http_referer'] );
    } else {
    $settings['shversion'] = (! empty($settings['shversion']) && 2 == $settings['shversion'] ) ? 2 : 3;
    $settings['theme'] = (! empty($settings['theme']) && isset($this->themes[$settings['theme']]) ) ? strtolower($settings['theme']) : $this->defaultsettings['theme'];
    $settings['loadallbrushes'] = (! empty($settings['loadallbrushes']) ) ? 1 : 0;
    $settings['autolinks'] = (! empty($settings['autolinks']) ) ? 1 : 0;
    $settings['collapse'] = (! empty($settings['collapse']) ) ? 1 : 0;
    $settings['gutter'] = (! empty($settings['gutter']) ) ? 1 : 0;
    $settings['light'] = (! empty($settings['light']) ) ? 1 : 0;
    $settings['smarttabs'] = (! empty($settings['smarttabs']) ) ? 1 : 0;
    $settings['toolbar'] = (! empty($settings['toolbar']) ) ? 1 : 0; // May be overridden below
    $settings['wraplines'] = (! empty($settings['wraplines']) ) ? 1 : 0; // 2.x only for now
    // If the version changed, then force change the toolbar version setting
    if ($settings['shversion'] != $this->settings['shversion'] ) {
    $settings['toolbar'] = (2 == $settings['shversion'] ) ? 1 : 0;
    if ('true' != $settings['padlinenumbers'] && 'false' != $settings['padlinenumbers'] )
    $settings['padlinenumbers'] = (int) $settings['padlinenumbers'];
    $settings['classname'] = (!empty($settings['classname']) ) ? preg_replace('/[^ A-Za-z0-9_-]*/', '', $settings['classname'] ) :'';
    $settings['firstline'] = (int) (!empty($settings['firstline']) ) ? $settings['firstline'] : $this->defaultsettings['firstline'];
    $settings['tabsize'] = (int) (!empty($settings['tabsize']) ) ? $settings['tabsize'] : $this->defaultsettings['tabsize'];
    return $settings;
    // PHP4 compatibility
    function SyntaxHighlighter() {
    // Start this plugin once all other plugins are fully loaded
    add_action('init', 'SyntaxHighlighter', 5);
    function SyntaxHighlighter() {
    global $SyntaxHighlighter;
    $SyntaxHighlighter = new SyntaxHighlighter();

    版权声明:本站原创文章,由 admin 于2014-12-08发表,共计34166字。